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Saturday, 5 March 2016

Wallpaper Design Industry Brief @ Staffordshire University

High House wallpaper, based at UK-based Staffordshire University, invites entries for its Wallpaper Design Industry Brief based on Indian Cultural Heritage. 
For more details click here

Thursday, 3 September 2015

TSPSC AEEs Civil Engineering Online Grand Tests

TSPSC AEEs Civil Engineering Online Grand Tests

Three Grand Tests covering entire Syllabus providing solutions and explanations

Click on the below links to subscribe for the test.

(Valid for 1 year)

Prepared by Vani Institute, Hyderabad
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TSPSC AEEs Civil Engineering Online Grand Tests

Saturday, 25 July 2015

AP EAMCET-2015: Exercising Options for B.Pharma., Pharma.D and left over seats of Engg.

Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE), Hyderabad, has announced that the qualified candidates of AP EAMCET-2015 (M.P.C Stream) are informed to exercise Options on 28-07-2015 and 29-07-2015 for Pharma-D Course and for the left over seats of Engineering & B.Pharmacy courses and also for remained vacant due to non - reporting of candidates after conclusion of earlier Phases of Counseling using Old Login Id and Password.

Date for Exercising Options
From To
28-07-2015 & 29-07-2015 1 Last

AP EAMCET-2015: Exercising Options for B.Pharma., Pharma.D and left over seats of Engg.

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

TS EAMCET – 2015 Medical Counseling Dates

Dr.NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada, has announced the first phase of counseling dates for admission into MBBS / BDS Courses into the Telangana Medical and Dental Colleges including statewide colleges in the Telangana State for the academic year 2015-16.

Counseling Centers: Candidates can attend for counseling at any one of the following counseling centers of their choice.

Hyderabad JNTUH Counseling Centre, Kukatpally, Hyderabad
Hyderabad PGRR Distance Education Counseling Centre, OU Campus, Hyderabad
Warangal Kakatiya University Counseling Centre, Warangal
Vijayawada Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada.

Counseling Schedule: Phase – I

EAMCET 2015 Rank
Phase I (Open Competition seats in Government Colleges and in Private Colleges)
All Candidates*
9.00 AM
2.00 PM
All Candidates*
9.00 AM
2.00 PM
All Candidates*
9.00 AM
2.00 PM
* All candidates mean OC, BC, SC, ST categories to consider them for Open Category seats.
Phase II & III (Re-allotment of college to the reserved category candidates i.e., BCs, SCs and STs selected under OC and seats reserved for BCs, SCs, and STs)
BC-A, BC-B, BC-C, BC-D, BC-E, SC & ST Candidates (OU/ NL)
9 AM
2 PM
BC-A, BC-B, BC-C, BC-D, BC-E, SC & ST Candidates (OU/ NL)
9 AM
2 PM
BC-A, BC-B, BC-C, BC-D, BC-E, SC & ST Candidates (OU/ NL)
9 AM
SC & ST Candidates (OU/ NL)
2 PM

  • Verification of Certificates under Sports & Games, CAP (Army), NCC, Physically Challenged (PH) and Police Martyrs Children (PMC) candidates (Special Categories):- Candidates who wish to claim seat under Special Categories who fulfill the above eligibility criteria are directed to attend along with all Original Certificates and 4 sets of attested Xerox copies for verification. 

TS EAMCET – 2015 Medical Counseling Dates

Saturday, 18 July 2015

‘Tell me something about yourself’… Secret revealed!

This is the most common question which is asked in an Interview and equally frightening for the interviewee to answer.
Current AffirsPeople keep fumbling on this very first question and feeble their chances of getting good job and handsome salary.

It has been a myth for ages that this question is asked to ‘select’ or ‘reject’ you. However, the truth is, this question is just an ice-breaker. It is asked just to make you comfortable. This is the simplest question anyone can ask you to make you feel at home but things happen other way round. One goofs up under stress and tension. One utters some unwanted words and sentences which make no sense and keeps quiet when it’s time to speak sense.

So, the Million dollar question is: What information is to be covered while giving self-introduction and what to do to make it impressive and worth listening to?

Read More..

Saturday, 13 June 2015

AP POLYCET-2015 web counseling dates

AdminissionsThe Department of Technical Education of Andhra Pradesh, has announced the AP POLYCET-2015 web counseling dates for qualified candidates who are desirous of seeking admission into Diploma Courses. The Certificate Verification commences from 22nd June, 2015.
Important Dates:
Certificate Verification commences from: 22nd June, 2015
Exercising of options starts: 24th June, 2015

AP POLYCET-2015 web counseling dates

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Current Affairs :: (E.M) Online Tests Package

Current Affairs (E.M) Online Tests Package

Questions with Explanations

Caters to all Competitive Exams

Pay One-Time Subscription of Rs. 150 and access Present and Upcoming Current Affairs Practice Tests

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Current Affairs

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