Saturday, 18 July 2015

‘Tell me something about yourself’… Secret revealed!

This is the most common question which is asked in an Interview and equally frightening for the interviewee to answer.
Current AffirsPeople keep fumbling on this very first question and feeble their chances of getting good job and handsome salary.

It has been a myth for ages that this question is asked to ‘select’ or ‘reject’ you. However, the truth is, this question is just an ice-breaker. It is asked just to make you comfortable. This is the simplest question anyone can ask you to make you feel at home but things happen other way round. One goofs up under stress and tension. One utters some unwanted words and sentences which make no sense and keeps quiet when it’s time to speak sense.

So, the Million dollar question is: What information is to be covered while giving self-introduction and what to do to make it impressive and worth listening to?

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